Getting to know the TEMi Taskforce: Melinda Cowdrey

The TEMI Taskforce is made up of experienced global mobility professionals who volunteer their time to support TEMi initiatives and events, and offer mentorship to junior practitioners. Go behind the scenes and get to to know more about our Taskforce volunteers in this new interview series with Taskforce members – and be sure to reach out to LinkedIn if you want to know more!

Q&A with Melinda Cowdrey

Melinda has over 11 years of mobility experience and was recently appointed as Mobility Senior Advisor at Endeavour Group.  She is a knowledgeable member of our team and is here to help if you have questions!

Q: Tell us a bit about yourself?
Melinda: I currently lead Endeavour Group’s mobility program – focusing on international remote work, immigration management, and domestic and inbound international relocations.  It is an exciting role as Endeavour Group continues to establish its own approach after divesting from the Woolworths Group.  I really enjoy the opportunity to apply learnings from my past consulting experiences and contribute to a team that is so passionate about their areas of expertise. In the spirit of mobility, in my personal time I try to take full advantage of a post COVID world and enjoy travelling with my husband when I can.

Q: What is the most rewarding/exciting aspect about working in the Talent Mobility Industry today?
Melinda: The pandemic caused total chaos for mobility professionals, but it also put a spotlight on our profession and elevated mobility’s profile within organisations. Now more than ever there is so much opportunity for mobility to add value to an organisation’s EVP and make such a significant difference to critical business issues – not to mention improving employee’s day to day lives! I also really enjoy the connectivity you have to every part of a business and the relationships and insights you get to develop as a result of this.

Q: Why is having a community focused industry group like TEMI important?
Melinda:The ability to share insights and materials while getting to know other mobility professionals is invaluable.  Mobility professionals typically hold dual roles and are in small teams so having access to a large network of like-minded individuals where you can ask questions, learn and sense check ideas is amazing! There is also a lot to say about power in numbers!

Q:  What motivated you to join TEMI’s team of volunteers?
Melinda: I’m passionate about contributing back to your community when you can, and sharing the benefits of belonging to an industry group.   My first role in an office environment was in OH&S – I quickly became part of a small industry specific OH&S networking group and still remember how much I looked forward to hearing what others were doing and sharing stories.  I hope all our TEMI members get to experience this same sense of inspiration and camaraderie!

Connect with Melinda

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