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Team Membership

Investing in your employees is a strategic move that pays dividends, and the TEMi Talent program can be your secret weapon for success.

TEMi fosters connections among your team members by involving them in project teams, discussion groups, article writing, and knowledge sharing. This approach not only elevates individual productivity but also cultivates leadership, collaboration, creativity, and communication competencies. These enriched skills contribute to a workforce capable of propelling innovation, tackling intricate problems, and swiftly adapting to the ever-changing business environment.

Empowering your people to thrive through TEMi is an investment that yields invaluable returns, both in terms of employee satisfaction and the long-term success of your organization.

It's time to make your employees' growth synonymous with your company's growth and prosperity.

5 individuals $189 per person per annum
6 - 10 individuals $179 per person per annum
10+ price on application

What’s included:

TEMI Bulletin monthly publication

Market Research

‘Member First’ Seating Allocation

Social Events and Experiences

Article publication

Job Postings

Member Discounts

CPD Program

Masterclasses and Training Programs^

Forums and Panel Sessions

Learning Resources

Roundtable Discussions


Influencing In Mobility Coaching Program

Peer-to-Peer Information Exchange, Huddles & Roundtables (Corporate In-House practitioners only)

Access to Member Portal

Career Postnomials recognising years of experience

^ -(limits apply)