Resilient Leadership July 2023 (Wendy Jenkins OAM)


Ready Resilience helps organisations thrive during times of change and challenge, using practical neuroscience-based resilience tools that have been proven to offer in-the-moment solutions and long-lasting results.

July 2023 Resilient Leadership Tips

The neurochemical oxytocin is a powerful ally in the workplace.

Neuroscience has shown that positive social interactions trigger the release of oxytocin, a hormone that promotes bonding, trust and builds rapport.

Oxytocin acts as a neurotransmitter in the brain, positively affecting various regions associated with emotions, social behaviour, and stress response.

When oxytocin is released, it can also counteract the negative effects of stress by dampening the activity of the amygdala, a brain region involved in the stress response.

In a leadership context, this can strengthen the bond between you and your team members, fostering an environment of psychological safety and open communication.

When your team members trust you as their leader and feel a sense of connection, they are more likely to collaborate effectively, share their ideas, and support each other during challenging times.

Furthermore, oxytocin promotes prosocial behaviours, generosity, and altruism.

Leaders and team members who have high levels of oxytocin are more likely to demonstrate kindness, empathy, and compassion toward their colleagues.

Consider what social interactions your team enjoy.

Is it a love of pets? I’ve seen a couple of fabulous ‘pet walls’ in offices.

Is it a love of football or rugby scores? Light-hearted banter and maybe a mini competition if it’s allowed at your work.

Is it a love of food? Several organisations I know have a weekly or monthly ‘cake bake’ or a lunch trying different cuisines.

Is it a love of helping others less fortunate? The charity I help run, the Lungitude Foundation, recently had a fundraising event where companies ‘match funded’ what their employees donated. One of these same companies got together at their annual conference and built bikes for a kids’ charity.

Meaningful human connection and social support can have a profound impact in the workplace.


If you would like to discover more ways to harness neuroscience in your workplace, speak to Wendy about her tailored masterclasses:


Wendy Jenkins is the founder of Ready Resilience, Co-Founder of the Lungitude Foundation, Speaker and Lung Transplant Survivor. Ready Resilience helps organisations thrive during times of change and challenge, using practical neuroscience-based resilience tools that have been proven to offer in-the-moment solutions and long-lasting results. Having been told she had two years to live over fifteen years ago, Wendy is driven to help people transform their perspective on challenges in life. To find out more visit

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