Resilient Leadership March 2023 (Wendy Jenkins OAM)


Ready Resilience helps organisations thrive during times of change and challenge, using practical neuroscience-based resilience tools that have been proven to offer in-the-moment solutions and long-lasting results.

March 2023 Resilient Leadership Tips

One of the more noteworthy aspects of neuroscience you can use as a leader is the concept of neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity refers to your brain’s ability to change and adapt in response to experiences and environmental factors. This means your brain can rewire itself and create new neural pathways, even in adulthood. In theory, someone in their latter years can still learn a new language or creative hobby, they just may be slower to learn it than in their youth.

The concept of neuroplasticity has important implications for you as a leader when you want to promote learning and development in your team. By creating opportunities for your team members to learn new skills, take on challenging projects, and receive constructive feedback, you can help promote neuroplasticity and foster a growth mindset among your team.

You can also use the concept of neuroplasticity to promote diversity and inclusion in your team or wider organization. Studies have shown that exposure to diverse experiences and perspectives can promote neuroplasticity and enhance cognitive flexibility, promoting innovation and creativity. This can also be applied in the context of your own leadership growth.

As a leader, you can work on developing your own neuroplasticity by engaging in activities that challenge your thinking and expand your skills and knowledge. This can involve attending training programs, seeking out new experiences, and engaging in reflective practices such as journaling or mindfulness.

It’s important to note that neuroplasticity is not a quick fix or a magic bullet for all organizational challenges. However, as a leader, you can create a more dynamic and adaptable work environment that encourages learning, growth, and innovation by understanding and leveraging this concept.


Wendy Jenkins is the founder of Ready Resilience, Co-Founder of the Lungitude Foundation, Speaker and Lung Transplant Survivor. Ready Resilience helps organisations thrive during times of change and challenge, using practical neuroscience-based resilience tools that have been proven to offer in-the-moment solutions and long-lasting results. Having been told she had two years to live over fifteen years ago, Wendy is driven to help people transform their perspective on challenges in life. To find out more visit

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