Resilient Leadership May 2023 (Wendy Jenkins OAM)


Ready Resilience helps organisations thrive during times of change and challenge, using practical neuroscience-based resilience tools that have been proven to offer in-the-moment solutions and long-lasting results.

May 2023 Resilient Leadership Tips

A survey conducted by the Harvard Business Review found that 65% of leaders believe that understanding neuroscience can help them become better leaders.

So, what are some of the potential benefits of applying neuroscience to leadership?

Understanding neuroscience can help you as a leader to better understand how the brain processes information and makes decisions. If you can understand how our brains make decisions, you can create more effective decision-making processes within your organisation.

This knowledge can be applied to a wide range of leadership activities, from strategic decision-making to team management.

Learning about our brain’s social cognition processes can help to build stronger relationships with your team members and create a more positive work environment.

Another potential benefit of applying neuroscience to leadership is that it can help you better understand the impact of stress on the brain. Chronic stress has been shown to have a negative impact on cognitive function, decision-making, and emotional regulation. By understanding how our brains respond to triggers, you can take steps to reduce stress in the workplace and create a more positive and productive work environment.

Research has also shown that the brain’s reward system responds to a wide range of stimuli, including social recognition and achievement. As a leader, you can harness this knowledge to create reward systems that motivate your team members and foster a sense of accomplishment and fulfilment.

As our understanding of the brain continues to evolve, it’s likely that more and more leaders will turn to neuroscience to improve their leadership skills and create more successful organisations.

Are you a leader who is interested in upskilling using neuroscience? Learn more about The Resilient Inspired LeaderTM program.


Wendy Jenkins is the founder of Ready Resilience, Co-Founder of the Lungitude Foundation, Speaker and Lung Transplant Survivor. Ready Resilience helps organisations thrive during times of change and challenge, using practical neuroscience-based resilience tools that have been proven to offer in-the-moment solutions and long-lasting results. Having been told she had two years to live over fifteen years ago, Wendy is driven to help people transform their perspective on challenges in life. To find out more visit

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