Leading Effective Virtual Teams

A proliferation of new technologies has lulled many into thinking that we actually have to think less about how we communicate. In fact, communicating and collaborating across time, distance, and cultures has never been more complex or difficult.  Written as a series of bulleted tips drawn from client experiences and best practices, Leading Effective Virtual Teams: Overcoming Time and Distance to Achieve Exceptional Results presents practical tips to help leaders engage and motivate their geographically dispersed project team members. If you’re a leader of any type of virtual team and want to help your team members collaborate more effectively, then buy this book. You will learn how to:

  • Build trust and cultivate relationships, virtually, across your team
  • Design and facilitate virtual meetings that are focused and engaging
    Influence without authority
  • Motivate and galvanize a virtual team for top performance
  • Blend asynchronous and synchronous communications for better virtual collaboration
  • Navigate cross-cultural and generational differences in the absence of vital visual cues
  • Assess skills, strengths, aptitudes, and preferences from afar
  • Handle other tough issues that can trip up virtual teams


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