Remote working from India how many days do you allow under your policy

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Home Forums General Forum Remote working from India how many days do you allow under your policy

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    AvatarRachel Daley

      Hi All,

      I hope everyone is well. I am hoping that I could get some information in relation to India. We currently have a policy whereby we allow up to 45 days in a rolling 12 months including leave to work from India under the home country contract. We are reviewing this around the leave and work and wanting to understand what other companies are doing in this space and if they count leave as part of the day count when working from India.

      The questions I have is as follows:

      1. If you allow employees on their home country Contract work from India how long do let them work from India within a rolling 12-month period.

      2. If you allow a certain number of days, do you allow annual leave as well as work in the rolling 12-month period.

      3. Would the annual leave be counted in the day count period allowed in the rolling 12-month period and or would be this be separate.

      Thank you for your assistance and I look forward to hearing back.


        It’s a great question, Rachel. Here’s what our huddlers had shared. TEMi tribe, we’re and hoping this will also help you.

        Huddler 1:
        We don’t allow employees to work from India at all. Our Global team had reviewed the individual, corporate tax and the risk of permanent establishment and deemed that employees aren’t able to work from India. There have been some instances where there’s been an emergency and they’ve had to return home (think medical emergency for direct family members, funeral etc). If the business would like exceptional approval for the employee to work from India, they need to submit a strong business case to Mobility. Business case would include any potential financial loss, client reputation, project go-live dates and anything else they think will build a case. We review their reasoning, negotiate days and come to an agreement. However, 99% of the time, it’s a no

        Huddler 2:
        1. We allow 4 weeks (ie, 20 working days if a full time employee) in a rolling 12 month period (they can do this in one go or across a couple of trips if they want but cannot exceed 4 weeks).
        2. Yes, we allow annual leave in addition to the 4 weeks.
        3. No, we only count working days

        Huddler 3:
        1. We allow for 20 work days in a calendar year
        2. Yes we do
        3. No

        Huddler 4:
        1. Under the International Remote Work (IRW) policy, up to 30 days per 12 month period are allowed. For business travel trips are typically limited to 21 days or less, but multiple trips may be allowed in a 12 month period, depending on business need.
        2. Under the IRW policy, the 30 days applies to the total stay in country – so annual leave needs to be included in the total.
        3. Yes

        Huddler 5:
        We allow 30 days with a maximum of 60 days in a rolling 12 Months including annual leave days.

        Huddler 6:
        Our policy for people going to India was based on 45 days including Leave. With the below input and reviewing other elements of our policy and taking a further deep drive into the permeant establishment requirements with our tax team we make the decision to change our policy for remote working to 45 days in a rolling 12 months excluding leave in the count to work remotely from India.
        We have also refined our policy and hopefully made it easy for people to understand to reduce the administration that comes with managing the policy.

        • This reply was modified 1 month ago by MarieMarie.
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